Current Events Losers

Hey losers. Okay, sorry, hey guys. So here's the magical post. Go ahead and post your articles and commentary. Have no fun!

Denise and Jacob


    Kruthi #16
    WWII slave soldiers reunite after 64 years, prepare for honors

    Back in April 1945, Samuel Farer and Sidney Lipson were among the many U.S. soldiers forced to stay in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. They were the prisoners of Germany, starved and forced to work. The Nazi Germans had no pity for these soldiers, making them endure a forced march of 155 miles, beatings, and working in tunnels to hide German equipment. This camp, Buchenwald, was one of the largest where more than 100 soldiers died.
    This article explaining what these soldiers had to go through touched me as I read how so many soldiers suffered. Our U.S. soldiers, after coming back from World War II, got zero recognition. Their families and friends would have been proud of them, but the government didn’t honor these tough and brave soldiers.
    Finally, Maj. Gen. Vincent Boles will be honoring the soldiers today, Saturday. Only six of these 22 living Berga soldiers will be at the event due to the health of the other soldiers. All of these six survivors anticipate the time when they will be able to talk to the general. They want to know why the U.S. government lifted the death sentences of two Berga commanders.
    In my opinion, the government should have sent the general to honor these courageous people a long time ago. To this day, I cannot even picture what the Nazi Germans did to kill so many soldiers who were fighting for peoples’ freedom. It amazes me-the strength, bravery, and the heroism that they hold. I truly am happy for these soldiers who will be recognized today and get the chance that they have been waiting for: to talk to the general. Many of these soldiers haven’t seen each other for a long time, and I am sure they are excited to be honored for being such bold heroes.


    Former Drug Addicts find New Fixation on triathalons

    Eddie Freas was a drug addict for much of his life. In fact, he was kicked off his sports team in his senior high school year for he did not pass the drug test. Freas became depressed until he witnessed an inspirtational event. Freas learned that there was a former druggie, named Tod Crandell, that decided to compete in a triathalon to get rid of his drug problem. Freas followed this path and began competing in triathalons. Freas is no longer on drugs and has begun training other people who abuse drugs.
    This article caught my attention as I curious to find out how a triathalon helped drug abusers. I thought it was cool how a triathalon could turnaround a drug addicts life. In my opinion, I think it is good how these drug addicts are able to stop taking drugs by doing Triathalon. However, I couldn't keep my mind off the fact that triathalon is one of, what I consider, the more dull sports. I think these druggies should try playing football or soccer. In these sports they get to run all they want (just like in a triathalon)while also interacting with other people.

    Laughter is a simple sound – but one that has a long, rich history and an interesting evolution. An experiment was held to categorize the different types of laughter. Scientists tickled 6 different types of apes and compared them to humans’ laughter. They concluded that the patterns demonstrated by the apes and the humans fit a “classic evolutionary tree”.
    Primatologist Marina Ross says that laughter dates back to at least 10 to 16 Million years. It could have been around even longer. Apes, rats, humans, and dogs have all been tested for expressing the noise that we call laughter. Although some disagree, certain researchers claim that the sounds made by all these animals show ‘laughter and social joy’.
    The primatologists and their own colleagues measured different subjects about the animals’ laughter. (e.g. length of the sound, breathingpatterns, and vibrations.” These measurements were created into a family tree that best categorized the different sounds.
    The diagram showed that most of the wipdely accepted concepts were true – chimps and bonobos and humans were remarkably similar while gorillas branched out a bit lower. (You can hear the different laughs on the website.)
    Other related studies show that dogs’ laughter reduces stress, much like humans release stress by telling a good joke or laughing. Some believe that when cats purr, they are laughing. Rats also relase dopamine, or a substance that makes the brain feel happy or relaxed. Only one thing can be positive – humans aren’t the only living creatures that can laugh or make sounds that express their happiness.
    This article appealed to me because I’ve never really thought about laughing. Most people just consider a sound that humans make when they are pleased, but it turns out that goes much further than that. However, I have noticed in the past that my dog has a light, jovial bark and another defensive/angry bark. I think the content of this article was interesting and I hope to see more experiments done on other animals.



    Obama to take a greater role on health care

    Previously, President Obama said he would leave details regarding health care plans to Congress, but has decided to take over in the push for more affordable health care plans. Thinking of the hardships that former president Bill Clinton experienced in a similar push to a better health care system, Obama is still convinced that he will succeed. Since he is taking a different route, he is almost certain "the final bill bears his stamp".
    Some say that the bill will progress in the next few weeks. President Obama seems determined to extent health care to another 45 million people while lowering the cost of health care.
    Some cons on Obamas plan of putting taxes on employee benefits are that labor and the middle class might be angered. Also, if Obama makes a big-government plan, centered on Medicare, he'll probably loose support from Republicans and bigan a backlash from insurance companies. Some say that the key to the bipartisan bill is to exclude a government plan from the bill. I think that a credible way to pay for the plan, which may cost $1 trillion over 10 years, is worth it to make millions of Americans feel that they have made the right choice to come to the "Land of oppurtunity". It struck me that an expensive plan like that would even be taken into consideration, but it is good in that fact it will turn the lives of many around. I don't think the price of the plan should turn around the thought of low-priced health care for those who don't already have it, as money shouldn't determine if someone lives or not.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Man arrested accused of threatening to kill Obama

    Basically this article is about a man named Daniel James Murray opening up a ban account and trying to withdraw and deposit money in huge sums. He also has strange thougths about the US's banks failing and the citizens getting angry and killing people, which decided that Murray has some kind of strange mind condition. He implies through his words that Obama is doing a bad job trying to fix the country's economy, and then threatens to kill the president with a "mission." He tried to withdraw $12,000 from his account, but he lacked proper identification. He said that if he didn't get the money, then someone would die. Soon, the bank manager was brought over to withdraw the money for him.The next day he withdrew the rest of his money in his account and closed it, fearing that he would lose his money when the next Great Depression arises.
    I believe that people are going crazy because of this dwindling economy and a deadly virus wandering around. But I agree that something else shoudl be done in order to ameliorate the condition of the stocks and the economy of the world. But people don't have to threaten Obama just to make their lfe easier.


    Japan explores using cell phones to stop pandemics

    A few months from now, a highly contagious disease will spread through schools and japan and affect unknowing children. Officials are going to attempt to stop and save the schools by using the most unexpected--mobile phones. Softbank Corp. a major Japanese Internet and Mobile company, has proposed a method. (Experiment) Softbank hopes to find a school with about 1000 children, and give them each GPS phones. Every student's location will be tracked/recorded carefully. The stored data will be then used to see which children had passed over the paths of the "infected children" and are at risk of recieving the disease. Those students' families will be notified through the phones, and must be checked at by a doctor. This experiment was discovered before swine flu, but only attracted attention now because Japan has the most confirmed cases of swine flu besides North America. This project, however, raises some issues: privacy concerns, and how to inform people that they might be infected, because some people recieving a message like that could panic.
    I chose this article because the title really attracted me. I mean, I've never thought about mobile phones that much--whenever I thought of a phone, or cellphone, the first things that strike my mind are talking, texting, and entertainment. However, this article made me realize that phones aren't just made for entertainment purposes-now, they could be for anything. FOr instance, I think that in Japan's case, they're being put to a GREAT use: possibly saving the lives of more children by notifying them that they might have a disease.


    New services promise online life after death

    Now it is possible live after death. Jeremy Toeman, founder of the site, Legacy Locker has made it so that family members of people who have passed away can now have access to their online accounts. The way the site works is first someone must make an account. There they can store there account information so that a loved one may reach it later. After there death, a family member contacts Legacy Locker, and Legacy Locker finds the member's information. This concept orginally began after Toeman thought of the recurring problem of accessing deceased family members' accounts. Other websites have also been made such as,,, and These are all similar to Toeman's Legacy Locker.
    I think this is really cool. The problem of not being able to access accounts after someone's death is definitely a problem in this "tech age". Toeman's genious idea will forever leave us with something to remember of our loved ones.


  9. How do you greet an extraterrestrial?
    This article explains why a simple, "Hello, we are Earth," won't work in a radio broadcast to space. First, there are the problems with getting an upper hand in politics and war. For example, Russian scientists are currently sending out radio messages into space. If they contact extraterrestrials, they may get an upper hand in politics. Also, since Earth is no doubt a much younger civilization compared with other planets, there is the problem with sending out an intergalactic phone call. Not knowing other planet's ettiquite procedures, it is best not to answer until contacted first. A challenge is being held to find the proper phrase to greet an extraterrestrial with in a world concern.
    See the full article at:,0,500345.story

    This article struck me as odd because I saw the title, and naturally I read the article, knowing I had to find one for CEL anyway. I think it is interesting when you think how hard it is to figure out just what to say, when, and how. To see what SETI members say, see this link:



    N. Korea sentences US repoters to 12 years labor

    This article interested me, since I had heard about it so many times on T.V., but never actually found out why these two innocent ladies are serving 12 years in a labor camp. Turns out to be that these two journalists were reporting on the trafficking of Korean women, when they were arrested for crossing the border of North Korea. The camera man and the local guide were able to escape.
    The central court in Pyongyang sentenced the journalists to 12 years in a labor camp. according to the court, they were convicted of 'hostility towards the Korean peoples'
    The UN are trying to bargain with North Korea about freeing the two journalistts as their punishment is too cruel for for what they did.
    To learn more about the journalists fate, read the article!!!!!!!


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good job Zainab!! I think you did a good job describing this article!!

  13. Good Job Pauline! I loved your article on laughter and I never knew dogs could laugh. Superior effort. Bravo. Amazing.

  14. This is from Grace; her computer wouldn't let her post:,0,3351799.story

    Hey guys. This is Grace. Once again, my computer is malfunctioning and won’t let me post, so Caro is helping me out. Thx Caro. J

    Recently, thanks to the recession, a new “trend” has suddenly appeared in the furniture art world. All of a sudden, the Beverly Hills glitz and glamour has disappeared, to be replaced with what some like to call “recession chic”, a style of furniture where items are made from organic, industrial, and recycled materials. For example, there are lamps made of brooms, tables made from barrels, and couches and chairs covered with tents and burlap sacks. Though the designs are much more humble, let’s just say the prices aren’t. Pieces of furniture by famous designers are still bearing price tags of hundreds and thousands of dollars. Paris Hilton’s mom, Kathy, just bought eight grain bag pillow shams, at the cost of 600 bucks each.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this style, since using creative ways to save money is a useful skill, considering the economic condition the country is in right now. But if the furniture is still so expensive, the point is defeated. When the designer is a famous millionaire, the modesty of materials has no effect on the affordability of these everyday items. If this idea could be adopted to average households all across America, now that would make a difference. But a new fad in the expensive designer world? Not so much.

    -Grace Xu #29

  15. Dudley's article is found at


    Great job Diddykins! What an inspiring story about Freas!

  16. al, you did a great job. I can tell that you didn't rush through on this project and I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into it. You greatly express your feelings and the article in just those few words. Excellent work, Al!


  17. Before I say anything, I would like to thank Denise for posting this for me, as my computer is acting up a bet. I wanted to complement Pauline for two reasons. First of all, the article she choose was interesting and funny. Of course, I find that laughing and joy are extremely important, and the fact that other species can partake in this gift was nice to hear. Tickling chimps does sound fun. The second reason I wanted to complement Pauline was for her thoughtful connection to how her dog "laughed."

    P.S. If you read that article, make sure to read the comments. There was a very lively debate going on which I found rather entertaining. Even funnier, "RSM" is beginning to symbolize everything bad in the world.


  18. I think that Al's article and Cel is really motivational and inspirational in the way that someone would get to pick their life up again after throwing it in the dump by abusing drugs. He sought a healthy way to be happy. I thank Denise for posting this.

  19. Obama is Upbeat for G.M.’s Future

    Instead of mentioning General Motor’s lowest point in a 100’s year history, he “focused high remarks on the second chance G.M. will have.” He said, “I’m confident that the steps I’m announcing today will mark the end of an old G.M., and the beginning of a new G.M.” However, on the other hand, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan said, “This is a ton of bricks hitting us…” pointing to the cutting of many factories, jobs, and communities when the company filed for Chapter 11. Nevertheless, expectation is hoping for a speedy trip through bankruptcy, though it isn’t expected to make a comeback to No. 1.

    In this article, I learned that even the most prestigious, most top of the list company can fall. However, I think that filing for Chapter 11, which enables a company to cut off all debts, is the right path. If instead, the government fed the company dollars layered upon dollars, hundreds upon millions, it would almost be like throwing it into a black hole. This new start and reorganized G.M. might just be able to pull the company back to the right track.

    Now to think of it, it is amazing how this was the company that back a few years ago, held 10% of the entire United State gross product. Though G.M. is having the opportunity to reorganize and make a comeback, it is most likely that this company will not top the list—falling probably behind Ford and other car manufactories.

    Melissa Chang



    Apple drops entry iPhone to $99, unveils new model

    Have you been thinking about buying an iPhone or Apple laptop, but thought it cost too much? Well now's your chance to get one, because Apple cut the price of an iPhone in half, and some laptops were even cut to $300. Now, an 8-gigabyte iPhone 3G costs $99 instead of $199. Apple is also going to be launching a 16-gigabyte 3G S iPhone ($199) and a 32-gigabyte one ($299) on June 19.
    They might also be using these profits to create new applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Going on sale June 17th, iPhone users will be able to use a new operating software that has extra apps, like electronic books. Other upgrades include: the ability to download movies and TV shows through 'cellular connection,' send photos and videos (similar to text messages), and parental limit on what applications kids can download. There will also be a feature where users can cut, copy, and paste text, and the ability to tether (using iPhone to connect to a computer to the Internet). Apple has new MacBooks that can hold more battery and have faster processors. A 13" MacBook Pro starts a $1,200 ($100 less than current similar laptop), 15" MacBook Pro stating at $1,700 ($300 less). The MacBook Air has also dropped from $1,800 to $1,500. Snow Leopard is a new operating system that Apple will be unveiling in September, competing against the next version of Windows PCs selling in October.

    I found this article overwhelmingly interesting, because I think Macs and iPods are a great advancement in today's technology. Slashing the prices of Apple products does in fact become an 'affordable luxury,' and it benefits those who are trying to stay within their budgets but looking for a laptop that's fast and good. And, these new applications seem pretty cool, because even though they are used for user enjoyment, they remind us why Apple is awesome.



    The Joy of Less

    Whenever one reads the news headlines, he sees stories about homicides, recession, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and wars. Sometimes, it’s hard to step back and imagine life without these updates on breaking news and politics. This article is written by a man who has come to enjoy a simple, carefree life. He is neither ignorant nor uneducated. He has worked in the heart of New York and lived in the “paradise” of California yet; he chooses to live in a humble home in the outskirts of Kyoto, Japan. Pico Iyer, the author of this article, brings with him the idea of living without any disturbances. I like the part where he talks about “the crazily accelerating roller-coaster of the 24/7 news cycle has propelled people up and down and down and up and then left them pretty much where they started”. But, he may also be missing out on many of the joys of the outside world.

    Personally, it would be challenging for me to live reclusively and shut myself off from the rest of the world yet, I can see the pleasure of being completely untroubled and ignorant of all the wrongs and sorrow. At the end of the day, I would still rather lead a life of ups and downs than to stay at home and let the world be. Maybe when I become older, I will learn to appreciate quiet and peace but for now at least, I would rather my life be a roller coaster.


  22. Great job Zilin! I agree, it is pretty strange how cell phones can help prohibit a disease from spreading! You did a great job summarizing the article and making it less confusing! You also chose an interesting article!

  23. Nice job, Tina! I totally agree that a lot of people are really worried about the US slipping into another Great Depression. I'm really surprised some of these people would actually go so far as to threaten to kill someone! Excellent job on analyzing the article.


  24. Good job Nimal! I like the end of your analysis!

  25. Great job, Zainab! I had heard about the two reporters being captured but didn't know much about it. I thought it was too late to find information (okay, i was too lazy) about it, so I was still in the dark. It's good to know that the reporters are being bargained for. (previously, i thought no effort was being made to save them, but now i realize that was dumb of me. of course soemthing is being done). Anyway, awesome job!


  26. Good Job Zainab! I saw the video on Yahoo News about the two reporters being captured for crossing the border. I feel so bad for them, since they have no connection with their families and they must be worried sick about what is to happen to them and if they'll ever see their families again. Good job!

  27. Wow! What a unique article, Pauline. It was quite interesting. One would never think that animals, like apes or dogs, could laugh. It's also intriguing that when a dog laughs, it reduces stress. some ways, we are so similar to them.
