Week 3 (I think...)

Question of the Week: What is the strangest thing you have done that somebody has walked in on? How about the strangest thing you ever walked in on?

Well, I couldn't find anything related but...

DYK? By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand. (You'll be sure to remember that the next time you're being swallowed by moving sand, eh mate?)

DYK? The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle. (Hmm...never knew there was a name for that. Did you?)

DYK? During the chariot scene in "Ben Hur," a small red car can be seenin the distance (and Heston's wearing a watch). (I think we all remember this scene ;])

Well, there you have it. Be sure to answer the question. :]




  1. Somebody walked in on me while I was laughing hysterically at a birthday party. (I believe I was a bit high on sugar. :D) They probably thought I was a very "disturbed" child.
    I walked in on someone who was hugging their desk. I was quite flustered until they told me that they were trying to move it. (I offered my services, for those who are curious.)

    And now for the real reason I'm here.
    To post my News Club!
    Here we are:

    Courtesy of New York Times, Health Section.

    Frequent Moves Increase Suicide Risk in Teens

    This article describes how an experiment in Denmark shows how teenagers aged 11 to 17 who had moved 3 to 5 times were twice as likely to suicide, and those who had moved more than 10 times were 4 times as likely to attempt suicide. And those who had moved more than 15 times were a whopping 5 times as likely to kill themselves! 55% of the 4,000 children ages11-17 that wanted therapy for suicidal impulses changed residencies more than 3 times while 32% of children in a control group had also moved more than three times. These are only a few of the shocking statistics that show a connection between changes in residency and attempts of suicide…..
    Adolescents often suicide because they cannot handle some sort of pain or difficulty. Stress and pressure can also lead to this. Although researchers did ‘adjust the figures’ to include other problems in the kids’ lives, one has to admit that changing residencies is a very difficult thing. Poverty, family instability (which could have led to a move in the first place), and distances moved were not accounted for in the study. First off, their environment changes. Children no longer know where anything is – they are unfamiliar with their school and new classes. In addition, these poor children have to make new friends. Some feel rejected by society.
    A professor in the field of psychiatric epidemiology and also a leader in the study, Dr. Ping Qin, said that the experiment did not prove a “casual relationship between frequent changes in residence and suicidal behavior”, but it shows that there may be a close tie between them. Dr. Scott South also said that there is a strong effect on children’s suicidal impulses and the situations they are put through. These definitely include moves and other changes that they face during these moves.

    I chose this article because of three reasons. I am concerned with this issue, I am curious as to what the researchers plan to do further, and I am somewhat connected to this study. I have moved a couple times, and I faced extremely overwhelming challenges during these moves. (However, I am not suicidal  and I am very happy.) It takes a while to get used to a place, and when one has to constantly adjust, it gets too be too much. It will also be very interesting to see how guardians’ decisions to move may be affected by this article and how.

  2. GAWK hi ivenator sixthgraders :D
    why didnt we have a blog -.-
    weell we did have one but no one went after school ended :\

    cya guys at rancho heeehee

  3. as for the question-
    I set up this frog tank with mealworms and crickets for the frogs to catch and when i was putting the frogs in and it was on the floor somebody walked in and it looked like i was eating the mealworms.

    Ive also walked in on a person 9 years old under their bed because they were scared of their dog

  4. Pauline...you did know that you are supposed to type your news club on the post about news club, right?

  5. Don't make her feel worse Gop. :P

  6. The weirdest thing that I did when someone was walking into the room was when I was pretending to be my dramatic dance teacher, Aisha, doing all her weird moves and being all over dramatic, and everyone walked in and stared at me and my sister like we were lunatics...also the time I was slamming my head against the keyboard like that chainmail that went around, and my mom walked in and told me to calm down...yeahh....

  7. when i was eight i was at my friends house. my frind left the room to get some sncks and i go bored so i started stiking pins in her aaron carter poster. she came back and was pulling out all the pins i had stuk in his eyes. Her mom walked inon us. She was pullin pins out of his eyes and i was laughing really hard. her mom immediately left the room. u had to b there i gess

  8. Once I came into a room and saw B.J. The end. It was really freaky. You should have been there to see it. Then someone walked in and saw me in the post-looking-at-B.J. state. They were never the same again.

  9. Whoa, no way. So you and that person are scarred for life?!

  10. OK. i just remembered. The oddest thing someone walked in on me doing was screaming into a pillow. My mom and oldest brother walked into my bedroom while I was trying to practice a tactic for dealing with stress, like they taught us in DARE. But I was kind of embarrased about screaming into a pillow, so all that came out was this high-pitched whining. And not to mention, it looked kind of like I was trying to suffocate myself.

  11. Gee, Gopal.

    If you actually looked at my comment, you'd see that I didn't procrastinate and I posted it even before the post was created.

    So ha!

  12. WRONG! but you can stay deluded that way. The post was EDITED on June 2. It existed before.
